Urbs Post // 2020 //

occasional zine from our studio // 1/100

An ongoing conversation about urban life


 2015 // Urbs in Horto // City in A Garden

A study of cities, grids and gardens. Hand screen printed collages including: NYC, Austin, Chicago /// Remained as sketches: London, Paris, Amsterdam.

Sunny & Consumed // 2003

Artist’s book series exploring the architecture of non-place, the American strip mall and big box stores.
Printed in an editions of 100, hand bound, SAIC Offset printing shop.

Resides in the Joan Flasch Artist’s Book Collection, Chicago, IL
Sold by Printed Matter NYC, Colette, FR
Out of print.


Sunny // 2003 //

A flip book of a Target Parking lot.


The Ubermall //2003 //

Artist’s book series exploring the architecture of non place. This year long project photographed dozens of strip malls across the USA and are pieced together in a long accordion style book. The postcards document the human reaction to being exposed to this non place.


I Am // 2003 // Print on Paper